Sunday, October 2, 2011

Thanks nat ,for trusting me Q___Q eventhough i cant help u much, but i hope u appreciate it :) I L.O.V.E Y.O.U <3 :)


  1. No biggie. I should believe in you anyway. how can our relationship last if even myself don't believe that it will last? XD And also, Sorry for not commenting on the last blog post -- I guessed I really disappointed you as you planned to give me surprise and all I gave to you was a stupid reaction. By that time I didn't know what to say. My brain got stuck bwaha XD I really really appreciate all of these, motivating, encouraging, but just like u said, it didn't help much. Everyone keeps telling me not to worry but I just failed to control my feelings XD But those are all you can do now and you did it all. Seriously, thank you very much!Q__Q Please help me to thank your mom every 3rd of December, I'm glad to have you in my life. I love you very much too :D Looking forward for the future, together with you :]

  2. u make me smile , and u make me cry Q___Q hahaha im glad to have you in my life too Q___Q i just cant live without u XDD i love you :) <3 anyway gambateh for pmr!u will definitely get good result ! :) from: ur future hubby-puff XDD
